This is where you will be able to find information about my consulting as well as programs I've written and links to services you can use.


Document Name Converter  1.0.0 

This is a Win32 app for converting document numbers to filenames for OpenText's eDocs DM (previously Hummingbird DOCS Open, PowerDOCS, CyberDOCS and PC DOCS).  Open Text's software assigns globally unique ID numbers to documents and converts those numbers to filenames for storing the files on a fileshare.  This application allows you to enter the document number and get the filename.  I've broken the work out into a DLL you can use to make these conversions yourself.  You may not charge for a product using this DLL.


AddTask  0.1.1

I wrote this little Win32 alpha because I needed a fast way to add tasks to Outlook even when I wasn't in the Outlook interface.  This version has almost no error handling, no installation, no options and adds a reminder to every task you create (because that's how I needed it for this first iteration).

The notification icon sits in your System Tray.  You can double-click it or right-click and choose Add Task to bring up the interface for adding a task to Outlook. You can now use the F7 hotkey to bring up the interface and add tasks without needing to remove your hands from the keyboard.

Requires Outlook 2003 or later w/compatibility.